
How Can I Lower My Heating Bill This Winter? A winter blizzard rages outside the back yard bay window where this small, serene potted plant garden grows and blooms oblivious to the season.

How Can I Lower My Heating Bill This Winter?

November 10, 2023

Are you anticipating a higher heating bill this winter? Here in Castroville, temperatures can get pretty low. The only way to ensure you remain perfectly comfortable inside your Texas home is by cranking up the heat.

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Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water? Ventilation Cleaner Looking for Dust.

Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

October 31, 2023

You just discovered there is a puddle of water on the floor in front of your furnace. What does this mean? Why would your furnace be leaking water? 

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Ductless Mini Splits for Comfortable and Healthy Living. Blue and gray modern living room with sofa armchair and air conditioner - 3d rendering.

Ductless Mini Splits for Comfortable and Healthy Living

October 15, 2023

Fortunately, ductless mini splits can provide all the essentials for home comfort—warm air, cool air, ventilation, and humidity control. Plus, they’re much more efficient than a standard air conditioner and furnace combination.

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Why Is Remodeling My Home in the Fall or Winter a Better Time? Female couple choosing swatch colors.

Why Is Remodeling My Home in the Fall or Winter a Better Time?

September 30, 2023

When you come out of winter’s hibernation, you are ready for a change. Warmer weather prompts many a project. You may begin a plan to get healthy, so you adopt new eating habits and exercise. Or maybe you decide to change up your nest. 

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Air Conditioners: Things You May Not Have Known. Couple sitting at table and calculating bills at home.

Air Conditioners: Things You May Not Have Known

September 15, 2023

Though air conditioners are a major part of modern life, they hold many secrets few people know about.

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Whole family are sitting on the front of the ventilators.

3 Telltale Signs Its Time for a New AC

August 31, 2023

Deciding on the ideal time to replace your air conditioning system in Lytle can be a challenge, so here are three areas our Lonestar Comfort Services professionals suggest you monitor for telltale signs:

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High angle shot of a young businessman feeling ill at his work desk.

AC and Allergies

August 8, 2023

Looking for additional methods to stop allergens from inhabiting your home? Lonestar Comfort Services has a team of home comfort experts ready to find the perfect solution for your lifestyle.

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Video - Are Wi-Fi Thermostats Cost-Effecitve?

Video – Are Wi-Fi Thermostats Cost-Effective?

July 30, 2023

Why are you heating and cooling your home when you are not there? Being able to control your thermostat when you are away is one of the most cost effective energy improvements you can make in your home. Contact us today to learn more!

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Image of ductless system above a couch. Why Ductless Is the Way to Go.

Why Ductless Is the Way to Go

July 17, 2023

A ductless system, or mini split, adds comfort to your home without the hassle of having to extend your ductwork.

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4 Amazing Benefits of Ductless Units. Man in his home, sitting on his couch on his laptop, turning on a ductless unit above him.

Video – 4 Amazing Benefits of Ductless Units

June 30, 2023

Ductless systems, also known as mini splits, provide heating and cooling without traditional air ducts. They are much simpler to install than a central HVAC system and offer other advantages as well.

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Contact the experts at Lonestar Comfort Services.

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